Papers Resulting from UWRI's
Research Funding and Activities

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Description of the WQ-COSM Computer Model to Generate a Water Quality Capture Volume for Stormwater BMPs, Ben Urbonas, James C.Y. Guo and Ken MacKenzie 2011 (PDF 511 KB)

Blackler, G. and Guo, James C.Y.(2013).  Paved Area Reduction Factors under Temporally Varied Rainfall and Infiltration, ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 2, February 1, 2013.

Blackler, G. and Guo, James C.Y., (2012). Field Test of Paved Area Reduction Factors using a Storm Water Management Model and Water Quality Test Site, Vol. 17, No. 8, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9437/(0). IRENG-6569, August.

Guo, James C. Y. Cheng, Jeff, Wright, L.(2012).  Field Test on Conversion of Natural Watershed into Kinematic Wave Rectangular Planes, ASCE J. of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 8, August.

Kocman, S. M.,Guo, J. C.Y. and Ramaswami A. (2012). Waste- Incorporated Subbase for Porous Landscape Detention Basin Design, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000391

Guo, James C.Y., Blackler, E G, Earles, A, and MacKenzie, K (2010).  Effective Imperviousness as Incentive Index for Stormwater LID Designs, ASCE J. of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol 136, No12, Dec.

Guo, James C.Y., Kocman, S and Ramaswami, A (2009).  Design of Two-layered Porous Landscaping LID Basin, ASCE J. of Environ Engineering, Vol 145, Vol 12, December.

Guo, James C.Y. and Urbonas, B. (2009).  Conversion of Natural Watershed to Kinematic Wave Cascading Plane,  ASCE J. of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol 14, No. 8, August.

Other Papers Involving UWRI's Participation
or of Professional Interest

Breaking Down the Barriers to Low Impact Development in Colorado, Andrew Earles, Derek Rapp, Jane Clary, and Janice Lopitz, 2008

Blue-Green Fingerprints in the City of Malmö, Sweden, Peter Stahre, June 2008

Using Rainwater to Grow Livable Communities, Sustainable Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) by Water Environment Research Foundation

Can Stormwater BMPs Remove Bacteria? Jane Clary, Jonathan Jones, Ben Urbonas, Marcus Quigley, Eric Strecker, and Todd Wagner, 2008 (PDF, 229KB)

Full Spectrum Detention to Control Stormwater Runoff, Ben Urbonas and James Wulliman, 2007 (PDF, 88.4 KB)

Stormwater Runoff Modeling; Is it as Accurate as We Think? Ben Urbonas, 2007 (PDF, 397KB)

Full Spectrum Detention 2005-01-01 Concept Paper, James Wulliman and Ben Urbonas, 2005 (PDF, 260KB)

Learning from Nature: Reducing Urban Stormwater Impacts, James Wulliman and Paul Thomas, 2005 (PDF 4.7 MB)

Stormwater Wetlands and Wet Ponds on How to Keep Mosquito Populations at Bay William, F. Hunt, 2005 (PDF, 189KB)

Stormwater Best Management Practices, Mosquitoes and West Nile Virus, Monte Deatrich and Warren S. Brown, Tri-County Health Department, 2004 (PDF, 517KB)

Effectiveness of BMPs in Semi-Arid Climates, Ben Urbonas, 2003 (PDF, 401KB)

Observation on Atmospheric Dust Fallout in Denver, Ben Urbonas and John Doerfer, 2003 (PDF, 236KB)

Stream Protection in Urban Watersheds Through Master Planning, Ben Urbonas and John Doerfer, 2003 (PDF, 311KB)

Stormwater Sand Filter Sizing and Design - A Unit Operation Approach, Ben Urbonas, 2002 (PDF, 132KB)

Overflow Risk Analysis For Storm Water Quality Control Basins, James C.Y. Guo, 2000, (PDF, 444KB)

Synthetic Runoff Capture and Delivery Curves For Storm Water Quality Control Designs, James C.Y. Guo and Ben Urbonas, 2000 (PDF, 546KB)

Parameters to Report with BMP Monitoring Data, Urbonas, 1994 (PDF, 844KB)

Synthetic Runoff Capture and Delivery Curves For Storm Water Quality Control Designs, James C.Y. Guo and Ben Urbonas, 2000 (PDF, 546KB)

Two Decades of Stormwater Management Evolution – Presented in Brazil, Ben Urbonas 1999 (PDF, 1.35MB)

Design of Low Tailwater Riprap Basins For Storm Sewer Pipe Outlets, Michael A. Stevens and Ben Urbonas, 1996 (PDF, 283KB)

Finding a "Maximized" Water Quality Capture Volume by Runoff Capture Ratio, J.C.Y Guo, and Ben Urbonas , 1994 (PDF, 726KB)

Stormwater BMPS and Technology, Ben Urbonas, 1993 (PDF, 175KB)

Effect of Raingage Density on Runoff Simulation Modeling, Ben Urbonas, Michael Paul Jansekok and James C.Y. Guo, 1990. (PDF, 1.2 MB)

Sizing A Capture Volume for Stormwater Quality Enhancement,  1989 (PDF, 166KB)

Potential Effectiveness of Detention Policies, Ben Urbonas and Mark Glidden, 1981 (PDF, 165KB)

Reliability of Design Storms in Modeling, Ben Urbonas, 1979 (PDF, 665KB)